North Korea

An East Asian country constituting the northern part of the Korean Peninsula

Population: 25,778,816

GDP: 40,000

ISO Code: KP

Top International People From North Korea

International Attention: 0.00% (Rank 0 of 216)
Global Median: 0.05%

No recent data for people from this country.

Top People Mentioned By Sources in North Korea

Domestic Focus: 0.00% (Rank 0 of 117)
Global Median: 52.83%

No recent data for people mentioned by sources in this country.

News Sources in North Korea

Name URL Description Last Checked
KCNA – official North Korean news agency (English edition) KCNA – official North Korean news agency (English edition) 2025-02-07 04:58
로동신문 (Rodong Sinmun) Official newspaper of the Workers’ Party of Korea (Korean) Never
조선중앙통신 (KCNA) Korean Central News Agency, state-run, in Korean Never